Friday, August 06, 2004

Annales Bogorienses: call for papers, Vol. 9 No. 2, December 2004

Dear all,

We are inviting contributors to submit drafts for scientific papers to be published in our December 2004 edition of Annales Bogorienses. The draft should be submitted to the editors by 30 September 2004 following the attached guidelines for authors.

Annales Bogorienses (ISSN: 0517-8452) is a six-monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Research Centre for Biotechnology, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
This journal publishes peer reviewed original scientific papers, reviews, short communications, and technique papers in the fields of life sciences. Main interests areas are biotechnology, molecular biology and biochemistry. Reviews will be written by invitation, however, unsolicited reviews will also be considered for publication if prospective authors first contact the Chief Editor to check the suitability of their proposed subject matter.

With best regards,

Editor in Chief
Dr. M. Ahkam Subroto

Associate Editors
Dr. Bambang Sunarko
Dr. Adi Santoso
Dr. Wien Kusharyoto
Dr. Satya Nugroho

Editor Office
Gedung Perpustakaan,
Research Centre for Biotechnology,
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
Jl. Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911,
Kabupaten Bogor, Indonesia
Phone: 62-21-8751527
Fax: 62-21-8754588