Monday, August 30, 2004

Terima kasih atas bantuan ibu Nita

Kepada Ibu dan Bapak semua

Bersama Ini,
Kami atas nama Satf Perpustakaan Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI mengucapkan,terima kasih banyak tasa bantuan/sumbangan dari Ibu Dr. Nita Rosalinda Prayitno, berupa:

1. Satu unit komputer
2. Buku-buku dan majalah koleksi pribadi

Seiring dengan berpindahnya Ibu Nita ke tempat baru di Kanada, kami mengucapkan selamat jalan. Kami doakan semoga sukses dan semoga tuhan selalu melindungi Ibu sekeluarga.

Staf Perpustakaan

Monday, August 23, 2004

Peluncuran Jasa Publik LIPI berbasis Teknologi Informasi

Peluncuran Jasa Publik LIPI berbasis Teknologi Informasi
Senin, 23 Agustus 2004

Tangerang - Bersamaan dengan acara puncak hari ulang tahun LIPI ke 37, 23 Agustus 2004, bertempat di Kompleks Puspiptek Serpong telah dilangsungkan acara peluncuran Jasa Publik LIPI berbasis teknologi informasi.

Peluncuran dilakukan oleh Kepala LIPI, Prof. Dr. Umar Jenie, dilangsungkan di Pusat Penelitian Fisika LIPI di kompleks yang sama. Acara berlangsung cukup meriah dengan disaksikan oleh rombongan dari Indosat Mega Media (IM2) yang dipimpin oleh Direktur Utama-nya Brata H, serta segenap Pimpinan eselon I dan II LIPI.

LIPI sebagai lembaga utama pengelola riset ilmiah di Indonesia menyediakan aneka sarana ilmiah ini dengan cuma-cuma. Ini merupakan salah satu perwujudan nyata kontribusi LIPI untuk masyarakat, khususnya komunitas ilmiah di Indonesia. Sejauh ini sarana yang telah dibuka meliputi :

Umum :
situs resmi dan utama LIPI
Jasa Ilmiah :
Jurnal Online (
sarana untuk menerbitkan jurnal / media ilmiah secara online
sarana untuk manajemen organisasi profesi ilmiah dan seluruh aspeknya
Sentra H@KI (
informasi terpadu mengenai Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual
DBRIpTek (
database riset, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
SciBlog ( - dibuka 1 September 2004
web-log untuk kolaborasi ilmiah
Public Cluster ( - dibuka 1 September 2004
paralel komputer terbuka untuk publik
Portal ilmiah :
fisik@net (
portal bidang fisika
komput@si (
portal bidang komputasi
energi (
portal bidang energi
kimi@net ( - dibuka 1 Oktober 2004
portal bidang kimia
Aneka jasa publik ini dikembangkan dan dikelola oleh Tim Gabungan Jaringan LIPI. Selama ini seluruh sarana tersebut diletakkan di web-server LIPI yang berada di pusat data LIPI di Jl. Gatot Subroto. Bersamaan dengan peluncuran ini seluruh sarana tersebut dipindahkan ke pusat data IM2 di kantor pusat Indosat di Jl. Merdeka Barat. Pemindahan ini diharapkan bisa mempermudah akses masyarakat ke aneka sarana LIPI tersebut. Peluncuran ini sekaligus menandai babak baru kerjasama antara LIPI dan IM2 sebagai penyedia jasa koneksi internet utama di LIPI.

Info dari web site lipi

Friday, August 06, 2004

E-seminar on "Biotechnology and Human Development"

09-22 Aug:
E-seminar on "Biotechnology and Human Development" by Prof. Horst
Doelle. Brisbane, Australia.
To join goto:

Info dari Milis Biotek

Annales Bogorienses: call for papers, Vol. 9 No. 2, December 2004

Dear all,

We are inviting contributors to submit drafts for scientific papers to be published in our December 2004 edition of Annales Bogorienses. The draft should be submitted to the editors by 30 September 2004 following the attached guidelines for authors.

Annales Bogorienses (ISSN: 0517-8452) is a six-monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Research Centre for Biotechnology, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
This journal publishes peer reviewed original scientific papers, reviews, short communications, and technique papers in the fields of life sciences. Main interests areas are biotechnology, molecular biology and biochemistry. Reviews will be written by invitation, however, unsolicited reviews will also be considered for publication if prospective authors first contact the Chief Editor to check the suitability of their proposed subject matter.

With best regards,

Editor in Chief
Dr. M. Ahkam Subroto

Associate Editors
Dr. Bambang Sunarko
Dr. Adi Santoso
Dr. Wien Kusharyoto
Dr. Satya Nugroho

Editor Office
Gedung Perpustakaan,
Research Centre for Biotechnology,
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
Jl. Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911,
Kabupaten Bogor, Indonesia
Phone: 62-21-8751527
Fax: 62-21-8754588


Organized by
the World Intellectual Property Organization
in cooperation with
the Directorate General of Intellectual
Property Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
the Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Jakarta, August 10, 2004
Patinformatics is the science of analyzing patent
information to discover relationships and trends, which
would be difficult to see when working with patent
documents on a one-on-one basis. Patinformatics has
developed very rapidly over the last few years, and
provides many useful applications in business such as
valuing business performance, targeting and valuing
merger and acquisition candidates, as well as for
directing research and development into the right
tracks. Therefore, patinformatics is a very important
tool to support the development of domestic
innovations and their commercialization.
The existing laws and regulations in IPRs will give
proper protection of IP and certainly they will attract
the flows of investment into Indonesia. However, if
this is not balanced with the improvement of national
innovations, the IPRs system will only give protections
to foreign IP. Therefore, domestic innovations have
to be developed rapidly and systematically through
several strategies, one of them is to equip the
researchers with proper tools to improve their productoriented
research, e.g. by educating them with the
ability to analyze IPR informations to help them
directing their research into the right tracks.
Currently, the number of innovations achieved by
Indonesian researchers is still relatively low. This is
reflected by the low number of patent applications
submitted to the Indonesian Patent Office (only about
3.4% per April 2003), the rest (96.6%) is still dominated
by foreign applications.
Based on the current status mentioned above,
the Training Course in Patinformatics will be conducted
in LIPI Jakarta on August 10, 2004.

To improve the understanding on the important
role of patinformatics in research and development.

1. Patinformatics is used by researchers as an
important tool for doing research.

2. Researchers capable in doing analysis of IPRs

The importance of patinformatics in research and

The Training Course in Patinformatics will be
jointly organized by World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO), Directorate General of
Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR)-Ministry of Justice
and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, and
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

The Training Course in Patinformatics will take
place at PDII-LIPI Jakarta on August 10, 2004.

A maximum of 25 participants will be invited to
attend the Training Course in Patinformatics, they are
scientists and researchers from research institutions
and universities.
Fee Registration Rp. 250.000,-

The Training Course in Patinformatics will focus
on the following aspects:
a. The importance of patinformatics in research and
b. Patent searching.
c. Patent citation analysis.
d. Text and data mining.
e. Text clustering.
f. Patent mapping.
g. Practical on patinformatics tools.
h. Practical on patinformatics via Internet.
i. Study case on specific topics based on participants’

The facilities provided for the Training Course
in Patinformatics are:
1. Computers.
2. Internet connection to access different
databases (espacenet, USPTO, WIPO, etc.).
3. Indonesian Patent CD-ROM.
4. Various patent databases on DVDs.
5. Patinformatics software.
6. WIPO Patent Information Services for
Developing Countries.
Instructors for the training course are experts
from World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), Directorate General of Intellectual Property
Rights (DGIPR)-Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
of the Republic of Indonesia, and Indonesian
Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
Tety Andriaty / Fajar Afni
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto 10, Jakarta 12710
Phone : (021) 5278979, 5733465 ext. 202
Fax. : (021) 5733467, 5210231
Email :

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Actinomycete Workshop (2): "Antibiotic Screening from Actinomycetes"

Actinomycete Workshop (2): "Antibiotic Screening from Actinomycetes"
Dosen : Dr. S. Miyadoh (NITE)
Dr. Puspita Lisdyanti(Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI)
Dr. Nita Rosalinda (Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI)
Tempat: Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI
Waktu : 27 - 29 Juli 2004
Penyelenggara: Kelompok Penelitian Microbiology (Actinomycetes)

Materi :
1. Introduction of actinomycetes
2. Antibiotic screening from actinomycetes
3. Demonstration "Isolation of actinomycetes for antibiotic screening"
4. Practise 1 : a. Preparation of bioassay plates
b. Preliminary extration test of antibiotics
5. Practise 2 : a. Bioassay
b. Extraction and purification of antibiotics
c. Liquid cultivation for antibiotic production


Thursday, July 22, 2004

Donasi buku

Kami atas nama Perpustakaan Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI, mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas dukungan serta sumbangan beberapa puluh buku dan paper koleksi pribadi Dr. Tri Muji Ermayanti.

Dan kami harap dukungan ini akan diikuti pihak lainnya dan terus berlanjut demi peningkatan pelayanan mutu jasa informasi Perpustakaan Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI.

Perpustakaan Bioteknologi LIPI

Librarians for the 21st Century

Program Vitals

Deadline December 15, 2004

Awards Announced
Mid-June (sudah terlambat, tetapi kita bisa ikutan untuk tahun2

Amount of Grant
$50,000 - $1 million

Grant Period
Up to three years

Matching Requirements
Fifty percent of total project costs, excluding funds requested for
student support

Program Overview

The program supports efforts to recruit and educate the next
generation of librarians and the faculty who will prepare them for
careers in library science. It also supports grants for research
related to library education and library staffing needs, curriculum
development, and continuing education and training. Program

Priorities for Funding

Priority 1: Master's Level Programs

Educate the next generation of librarians. In particular, increase
the number of students enrolled in nationally accredited graduate
library programs preparing for careers in libraries.

Priority 2: Doctoral Programs
Develop faculty to educate the next generation of library
professionals. In particular, increase the number of students
enrolled in doctoral programs that will prepare faculty to teach
master's students who will work in school, public, and academic
Develop the next generation of library leaders. In particular,
increase the number of students enrolled in doctoral programs that
will prepare them to assume positions as library managers and

Priority 3: Pre-Professional Programs
Recruit future librarians. In particular, attract promising high
school and college students to consider careers in librarianship
through recruitment strategies that are cost effective and

Priority 4: Research
Provide the library community with information needed to support
successful recruitment and education of the next generation of
librarians. In particular, through funded research, establish
baseline data on professional demographics and job availability, and
evaluate current programs in library education for their capacity to
meet the identified needs.

Priority 5: Programs to Build Institutional Capacity
Develop or enhance curricula within graduate schools of library and
information science. In particular, develop new courses and programs
in critical areas such as leadership, research methods, and digital

Priority 6: Continuing Education and Training
Support model programs of continuing education and training in
library and information science. Proposals should address retention
issues as well as intended learning outcomes.
Successful proposals will effect one or more of the following
outcomes: increase the number of qualified professionals for
employment as librarians throughout the country, contribute to
results or products that will benefit multiple institutions and
diverse constituencies, reflect an understanding of library service
needs in the communities served by the applicant, and address issues
facing libraries of similar size and type, or reflect a vision of
potential change in the field that could result from the project.
Innovative approaches to these issues will be given high

Info dari milis

Simposium nasional perdana psikoneuroimunologi

Pada tgl 24 Juli 2004, di Aula Fakultas Kedokteran Unair, jl Prof Dr Moestopo 47 Surabaya, akan diadakan Simposium Nasional Perdana Psikoneuroimunologi,
acara dimulai jam 07.30 dan berakhir pada jam 15.00 wib.
Bagi peminat silahkan menghubungi Sdr Endah, SKom di telepon 031-5020569

Info dari : Suhartono TP di milis

The Genomics Market Report

The aim of this report is to provide in depth information on the developing
market for genomics products and services.

The report will include detailed market analyses and discussions of industry
trends in order to assess the impact of genomics on the current and emerging
pharmaceutical and diagnostic markets.

Forecasts and trends were developed from interviews with industry sources,
as well as from assessment of available and emerging technologies.

The report develops forecasts for genomics-based products, services, and
applications from 2000 through 2005.

For a complete index of this report click on

The report also focuses on the efforts of biotechnology companies and
pharmaceutical firms to incorporate genomics technologies into their
corporate strategies.

The scope of the study is worldwide. The overview section provides extended
definitions of the components of genomics to provide the reader with a clear
understanding of the technology involved. In addition, this section provides
an analysis of how genomics will transform the health-care industry and
discusses agricultural and other non-medical applications of genomics.

The technology section provides extensive description and analysis of the
current status of technologies used in gene mapping, gene sequencing, gene
_expression, and high-throughput systems, and examines obstacles to and
opportunities for growth in these areas. Special emphasis is given to DNA
chips and pharmacogenomics. Leading companies in these technologies are also

The products section describes available and emerging genomics-based
pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, with special emphasis on DNA microarrays.

The applications section provides an overview of the leading markets for
available and emerging genomics-based therapeutics and diagnostics. These
include research applications such as gene sequencing, polymorphism
analysis, and gene _expression, and applied applications such as viral
genotyping and diagnostic/disease management uses for nucleic-acid based
diagnostics and diagnostic DNA microarrays. Applications included are
bacteriology, virology, blood testing, cancer diagnosis and monitoring,
immune disease disorder patient management, multi-drug resistance diagnosis,
genetic testing, predictive testing, and identity testing. Leading companies
in each of these areas are discussed. Further, the market for
pharmacogenomic services is described and forecasted, and food and
environmental testing applications of genomics-based diagnostics are
examined as well.

The industry structure section provides an overview of the structure of the
genomics industry and the patents that apply to genomics, and discusses the
reaction on Wall Street to the genomics revolution. The company profiles
section includes a detailed discussion of the companies that have pioneered
the genomics revolution and examines how their available products and
services are transforming the practice of medicine.

For a complete index of this report click on

Report Index:

1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives and Goals of Study
1.2 Study Scope and Format
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Information Sources
1.5 Executive Summary
2. Overview of Genomics
2.1 What is a Gene
2.2 Genes and Disease
2.3 Genetic Variability
2.4 Sequence Variability
2.5 _Expression Variability
2.6 Opportunities Arising from Genetic Variability
2.7 The Human Genome Project (HGP)
2.8 Gene Databases
3. Genomics Technology & Industry
3.1 Biochips
3.2 Bioinformatics
3.3 Disease Targets
3.4 Drug Targets
3.5 Functional Genomics
3.6 Gene Sequencing
3.7 Gene Sequence Variation Detection
3.8 Functional Genomics
3.9 Comparative Genomics
3.10 Genome Database Arrays
3.11 High Throughput Genomics
3.12 Pharmacogenomics
3.13 Probe Array
3.14 Proteomics
3.15 Sequencing
3.16 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)
3.17 Structural Genomics
3.18 Photolithograpy
3.19 Instrumentation
4. How Genomics is Revolutionizing Health Care
4.1 Discovery and Development
4.2 Diagnostics
4.3 Toxicogenomics
4.4 The Market for DNA Chip Arrays
4.5 DNA Chip Technology Competition
4.6 _Expression Profiling
4.7 Gene Sequencing
4.8 Applied Markets for Genomics
4.9 Industry Genomic Connections
4.10 Genomics and Big Pharma
4.10.1 The SNP Consortium
4.10.2 Genomics Companies
4.10.3 Biopharmaceutical Companies
4.11 Cancer Markets
5. Patents
5.1 What is Patentable?
5.2 Property Rights on the Human Genome
6. Business Analysis
6.1 Facilitate and Capitalize on the Convergence of Gene _Expression Analysis
and Proteomics
6.2 Competition
6.3 Market Opportunities for Functional Genomics
6.3.1 Human Health
6.3.2 Discovery of Novel Anti-Fungal Targets
6.3.3 Nutrition
6.3.4 Functional Foods
6.3.5 Crop Production
6.3.6 Herbicides
6.3.7 Fertilizers
6.3.8 Seeds
6.3.9 Crop Outputs
6.3.10 Industrial Products
6.4 The Genomics Industry is Highly Competitive
6.5 The Overview for Drug Makers
6.5.1 Big Pharma
6.5.2 First-Generation Biotech
6.5.3 Second-Generation Genomics Companies
6.6 Strategic Alliances
7. Genomics Company Profiles
8. List of Tables
9. Appendix

Report Pricing:
Hard Copy EUR 3,424
Electronic EUR 3,424


Order online: To order this report please click on
Order via email:
Order via fax-back form: Click on Fax to +353 1 4100 980
Order via post: Click on
Mail to Research and Markets Ltd., Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8,

Related Reports Available from Research & Markets Ltd:

The Genomics Outlook To 2005: Transforming pharmaceutical and diagnostic
markets -
Genes and Cancer Risk -
Impact of Genomics on Cancer Diagnosis, Therapeutics, and PharmacogenomicsNO
The Diagnostics Outlook to 2005 -
Point of Care Diagnostic Testing - World Markets -
Important Diagnostic Testing Markets -
Cancer Diagnostic Testing World Markets -

Click on for details.

Info dari Bpk Amin S. di milis

Monday, July 19, 2004

Program ADS (Australia Development Scholarship)

Dalam rangka kerjasama antara Pemerintah Australia dan pemerintah
Indonesia untuk meningkatkan pengembangan sumber daya manusia,
pemerintah Australia melalui AusAid(the Australian Agency for
International Development) menyediakan 300 beasiswa ADS (australia
Development Scholarship)untuk para pegawai negeri sipil, tenaga-
tenaga LSM Indonesia, dosen perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta, dan
perorangan untuk mengikuti program pasca sarjana (Master dan Doctor)
di institusi-institusi terkemuka di Australia.

Pendaftaran untuk mengikuti program ini akan dibuka pada 28 Juni
sampai dengan 17 September 2004.

IALF (Indonesia Australia Language Foundation)sebagai yayasan
pendidikan bahasa Inggrish yang diberi wewenang untuk
mendistribusikan informasi tentang brosur dan formulir pendaftaran
serta informasi lainnya bagi peminat program ADS baik dari kalangan
institusi maupun masyarakat luas.

Jika anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi kami
pada alamat di bawah ini:

IALF Scholarship Club
Jl. Sumatera 49
telp. 031-5026400
Email: atau

Dari milis tetangga Yuyus K []

Asian Library and Information Conference 2004, Bangkok, 21-24 Nov ember 2004

July 2004, Bangkok

is being organized by the Thai Library Association and
Asia Library News, to be held at the 5-star Dusit Thani Hotel, Bangkok,
from November 21 to November 24, 2004.  ALIC2004 is
supported by UNESCO and IFLA.

The main objectives of the conference are to promote library and information
services throughout the Asia-Pacific region in a rapidly changing digital
and knowledge-based social environment, to address various issues that
affect the library and information profession, and to provide a forum for
librarians from the region and elsewhere to network, exchange ideas and
learn from each other.

A panel of more than 28 distinguished information professionals and experts
from various countries in the region will address the audience during the
three-day conference.  Current and timely topics include:  the changing role
of library and information professionals; information access, online
resources licensing and copyrights; collection development in the digital
age; e-resources versus print resources; ICT for library and information
services; digital libraries development in the Asia-Pacific countries etc.
There will also be abundant opportunities for informal networking during
lunches, coffee breaks, the welcome reception, and library and cultural
tours.  An exhibition of books, library products and services will be held
simultaneously at the conference for participants to learn about the new
products and services available in the library and publishing world.

This conference is opened to all interested parties including librarians,
information professionals, library and information science educators,
publishers, distributors and vendors.

For general information, guidelines for "Call for Papers" and, other details
of the conference, please see conference Website:

Online registrations are accepted now by submitting the filled-out
registration form along with payment of registration fee.

Jaffee Yee Yeow-Fei
ALIC2004 Conference Co-organizer
8th ICADL2005 Organizing Committee Chair

Tel:  66-2-722 0548  
Fax:  66-2-722 0549
Khunying Maenmas Chavalit
ALIC2004 Conference Co-organizer
8th ICADL2005 Conference Co-Chair

Thai Library Association
Tel: 66-2-280 4022-9 Ext 129
Fax:  66-2-628 5361

from milis tetangga h.kamil []

Digital Library and archive solutions :MyCoRe

Satu lagi aplikasi OSS menarik untuk Content Repositories
bisa donlod di:

Project Description 
MyCoRe is an Open Source project for the development of Digital
Library and archive solutions (or, put more generally, "Content
Repositories" >> CoRe). In the MyCoRe project a group of universities
is working on the development of a shared software core for such
applications. This core is adjustable to local requirements and easy
to modify. This is expressed by the "My" in MyCoRe, which represents
the local adaptability. On the basis of this core which is available
under the open source GNU General Public License, specific local
applications will emerge at the participating institutes. The
technical base of the system is formed of Java class libraries, XML
technology and implementations for various database backends, both
commercial like IBM Content Manager and IBM DB2 or Open Source
solutions like MySQL and XML:DB databases.

From Milis tetangga d witono []

Workshop on Forest Biotechnology - FRIM (DEc 2004)

FRIM's Biotechnology Division is organizing a workshop on biotechnology in forestry in December. Hope some of you can join. Details of the workshop can be found at You can also register online :

from Judi Rachmat

Master of Science program in biohazardous threat agents and emerging infectious diseases

Master of Science program in biohazardous threat agents and emerging
infectious diseases
Georgetown University is initiating a Master of Science program in
Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases. The program is
sponsored by the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the School of
Medicine and is being coordinated by Dr. Leonard Rosenthal. The one-year
course of study is intended to provide a thorough introduction to
biodefense and emerging infections for persons planning careers in
medicine, scientific research, or public policy, including various branches
of government and private industry.

The program, which begins 1 Sep 2004, includes the following courses:

Microbiology of Biological Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Biosurveillance: an Applied, Multidisciplinary Perspective
Biological and Radiological Safety
Threat Analysis and Principles of Biodefense
Chemical Threat Agents

It also includes several seminars that will provide in-depth discussions of
biological and chemical threats and biosurveillance. Electives are also
available in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and in the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The deadline to register for fall term is 16 Aug 2004. A brochure for the
program can be obtained at

Further information is available at the web-site:
or by
contacting Eugenia Pyntikova in Dr. Rosenthal's office at 202 687-3422.

Info dari milis

Friday, July 16, 2004

Eprints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS)

Eprints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS)

Eprints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS) is an
international open access archive for eprints related to
Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related
application activities, in keeping with the objectives of the
movement and the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) movement.The purpose
of E-LIS archive is to make the full text of the LIS documents
visible, accessible, harvestable, searchable and useable by any
potential user with access to the Internet. Furthermore this service
aims to support individuals who wish to publish or otherwise make
their papers available worldwide. Open access to LIS papers and
dissemination can also support the building of international LIS

Who are the partners of the initiative?

Eprints for LIS has been established as a community service by RCLIS
(Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) and DoIS
(Documents in Information Science) to promote open access to papers
on these fields. RCLIS is a project to build a database about
and past documents in computing, librarianship, information science
and technology and related application activities. It is aimed to
extend and update DoIS, a service for finding and downloading
articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format
the area of librarianship, information science and technology and
related application activities. See credits page.

Why an Eprint server for LIS fields?

Nowadays the library and information world is strongly integrated
with the area of computing science and technology. Moreover,
institutional metadata creation proves costly, while a more
way out is provided the growing trend towards authors' self
in the framework of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). A flexible
architecture of data and service providers based on metadata
harvesting allows authors to store a copy of their documents in some
personal or institutional archive, and so the documents become
quickly available worldwide.

Is the E-LIS Archive free access?

Eprints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS) access is
free to any user. Users can freely browse, search and access the
text without ever having to identify themselves to the server. If
wish to submit a work do you need to register. We encourage
librarians, libriaries, institutes, organizations and individual
researchers involved in LIS and correlated fields to utilize and
contribute to this service. The more papers that are made available,
the more useful will the archive become

Diambil dari milis tetangga [dari mas imam budi]

Wednesday, July 14, 2004